quinta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2008

Juros descem na Europa

O BCE anunciou hoje um corte da taxa de juro de 0,75 pp fixando a sua taxa de referência em 2,5%. Na sua declaração o presidente indicou que o BCE espera para 2009 uma contração do PIB da zona euro entre -1,0% a 0% e que a taxa de inflação se situe entre 1,1% e 1,7%, o que permite antecipar a possibilidade de futuras reduções. Importa notar o que parece ser algum endurecimento da posição relativamente à política fiscal considerando que "It is of the utmost importance that the public’s confidence in the soundness of fiscal policies is preserved, with the rules-based EU fiscal framework being fully applied and its integrity being fully preserved".

Entretanto, o Banco de Inglaterra desceu as suas taxas 1 pp (para 2%) e colocou um tom particularmente pessimista: "Consumer spending and business investment have stalled, while residential investment has continued to fall. Activity indicators in the rest of the world have also weakened, though the further depreciation in sterling should moderate the impact of weaker global growth on the United Kingdom. And a number of fiscal measures to boost near-term demand are in train, both in the United Kingdom and overseas. Despite the actions taken to raise bank capital, ease funding and improve liquidity, conditions in money and credit markets remain extremely difficult. The Committee noted that it was unlikely that a normal volume of lending would be restored without further measures."

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